ThE EmAnCiPaTiOn oF pAmMiE

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Sunset Monologue 137

Just another December 25th

Blog Musical Mood: Be Here - Raphael Siddiq

As mini-me and her friend sat in the car keeping warm until her mom came (our rule is leave no girl standing outside in front of the school alone) I heard her telling mini me that she couldn't wait until 'Saviour's Day' so she could see what she got. It warmed my heart and got me to thinking about what it was like to be young and NOT celebrate Christmas.

I have never celebrated the Christmas holiday and neither has Mini-me or any of her cousins. However, like mini-me, it seems I/she has had an opportunity to be around 'open' thought processes so it never has really been anything stressful for us.

I have very fond memories of the holiday season and waiting along with my friends to see what they were going to get. I guess I was around 8 or so when I was first asked "What?! You don't celebrate Christmas?!" I can still see the looks of amazement on my best friends face. I had no problem explaining that I was muslim and we didn't celebrate Christmas and that I enjoyed my Birthday and we had our own 'holiday' Saviours Day in February where we celebrated the birth of Master Fard Muhammad. Now back in the day - we got a whole heap of stuff during that time - but it was stopped because (1) it was beginning to look alot like CHRISTMAS, lol and (2) there were too many damn people in my family!

I have no memories of ever being ostracized or made to feel 'different' because my beliefs were not the same as the majority. Parents and Kids always just took it in stride and I am happy that Mini-me is having the same experience.

One of my absolute fondest memories is the year we all wanted bikes. Christmas morning rolled around and I was not allowed out the house until like noon that day and so I stood in the window and peered across the street as they held up each gift to the window. Finally I could go over - I flew across the street and there stood two shiny new bikes. I had two whole months to wait for mine - but my two best friends who were sisters - rolled those bad boys right in the house and DIDN'T TOUCH THEM UNTIL FEBRUARY WHEN I GOT MINE! When I came flying around the corner on my new bike - they joined me and we rode all day long. Let me tell you - that's happiness on a level few folks would understand.

So what exactly did and do we do on Christmas? When I was little, we didn't do anything but wait until we could go play with our friends toys for awhile then come on home, lol. Now as an adult, it's kinda somber. My late husband's birthday was on Christmas - so we say a prayer and basically just go about our day. For the past several years Mini-me is with my mom in Philly, so being in that cocoon allows life to go on as if it's nothing even special. I'm invited to break bread with "Janet" and her family - which is always cool - we have a good time laughing and drinking and joking and drinking and did I mention drinking, lol.

Folks always ask "aren't you depriving your child, she's going to grow up with issues about that?" Why? She's NEVER mentioned Christmas to me,lol. We enjoy the cartoons and I have a penchant for listening to Donny and Mike sing tunes - but we don't deal in fantasy (well except for my quest to find the man for me, but I digress) - so by just dealing with that- she has no longing for it. Not to mention, she is a blessed child in the material department and so remove that and it's pointless anyway since our spirituality lies elsewhere.

Mini-me received three gifts from her friends and they are excited that they will get gifts in February when the luster of December has worn off and they are looking for the next thrill.

So don't 'feel' anything for us because we don't celebrate Christmas, because (1) I enjoy the season and the vibe and get good feelings from it (2) I got enough bills and (3) I know a whole bunch of folks not just Muslims that don't indulge in the holiday and we doing....just fine.

Posted by Pamalicious :: 9:21 PM :: 0 comments

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