ThE EmAnCiPaTiOn oF pAmMiE

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Sunshine Monologue 193

Ain't No Mountain High Enough

To keep me from blogging to you babe! So this is what I know - the most moving and frighteningly paralyzing experience a person can have is when God gets to you in the blessing rolodex! I have taken some time this week to look back over this particular journey here in blogsphere and the sum total of all of my 'work' done on here is where I am at today. I set a time limit for myself and as the clock ticks away - it seems as if I'm in the game Jumunji and I am moving under an outside pace to the finish line. So very interesting ya'll!

There will be no real epiphanies this entry - just some catching up. I know that just as many of you have the nosey gene, like myself and just wanna know - what in the world has been keeping you busy? Well let's see.....

So there you have it! Tomorrow we are going to see New Edition (our third concert since we began dating) and our calender is jammed pack till after this party - when we will regroup, get the house fixed up and then begin the Pam and CAUN tour of America - we got three vacations planned so far!!

I should be back on schedule with the blogging - so look out for more, more, more!!!!!

Posted by Pamalicious :: 10:06 AM :: 2 comments

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